Service Quality Management: Game, Set and Match!

By Shlomi Angi, Pearl Lieberman
The mobile market is best described as an intense ball game, where multiple players are invested, the outcome of the match cannot always be predicted, and where the ball moves from hands to hands with little to no rest. On the mobile services field, new trends arise in the mobile market every year, inviting new players to the game: WiMax, Cloud Computing, LTE, Femto, IMS,… and challenging existing business models and predictions. As thrilling as a breathtaking game, the mobile market offers an environment in which the rules of the game are dynamic.
Customer Experience: The Real Referee.
With the new players taking part in the game every too-often, come a whole new set of paradigms: content, multimedia, social networks and appealing devices. The latter are empowering customers to be more demanding than ever. The quality of the game played becomes only as good as what your subscribers are experiencing.
Customers wish to get more and pay less, get more bandwidth than the network can actually provide, and they have zero tolerance for experience degradation. More than that, they use the over-the-top channels (OTT) such as Twitter and Facebook to express themselves instantaneously and spread their views to their network of friends, thus having the power to harm provider’s reputation and aggravate churn.
What game for CSPs?
Evolving in a field dominated by harsh competition, churn and lowering ARPUs (Average Revenue Per Users), Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are left with little choices: they can either lead the changes, or develop the ability to swiftly respond to them.
The game has evolved from a race towards the hearts, minds and wallets of subscribers; into a differentiated and personalized experience that deliver consistency, value and quality.
Easier said than done. The ace is no longer a single point, it is the combination of a few, under the same house. Indeed, in order to achieve such capabilities, CSPs need to adopt a holistic approach, across the whole customer experience, by incorporating granular profitability, quality and behavioral data across all layers. Network, Service and Revenue Assurance need to be brought to play together.
It is the alliance of these efforts under a single roof that guides TEOCO’s powerful solutions, delivering the following advantages:
  • A single lens of focus, calculating and reporting on the quality of services across the whole customer experience for thorough visibility
  • Customer-centric measures to view subscribers, and how services, devices and network affect their experience
  • Visibility over service usage patterns of different services
  • Support to Network engineering & planning
  • Dramatically reduce the troubleshooting time of service affecting problems
  • Provide alerts in near-real time to allow proactive service restoration
  • Combination of geo-located subscriber-level activity and experience, cross-referenced with customer data, behaviors, and preferences
Service Quality Monitoring (SQM): the golden slam to enabling growth
SQM benefits are all about Quality of Service monitoring over multiple dimensions:
  • Cost savings and more efficient investments: identify common errors, quantify financial impact and plan your network at best.
  • Reputation preservation & targeted marketing: understand your customers, tailor plans and offerings.
  • Revenue generation: measure and optimize revenues, cost, and profitability 
TEOCO’s winning strategy: Combining Service Quality Monitoring together with Customer Experience Monitoring.
TEOCO’s Service Quality Management solution focuses on Customer Experience Monitoring (CEM), and brings near real time quality monitoring together with “big data” service usage analysis.
TEOCO’s SQM, assesses the performance of the various running service by analyzing the network behavior. It measures, monitors and prevents degradations of customer services’ quality based on a thorough view of the provided services. The solution helps matching the technical quality and service performance with the customer feedback.
TEOCO’s SQM is a leading innovative solution designed to support CSPs facing the new mobile service quality challenges. It is mainly composed of two integrated parts, being fed by the same Mediation system and sharing a common presentationlayer clients.
TEOCO’s SQM aims to serve different internal clients within each organization, where traditional users: engineering, network planning, SQ team) and emerging users: marketing (B2B, B2C, B2G), VAS managers, device managers, product managers, VIP/corporate customer managers, have to be separated. The same data sources in the network (e.g. CDRs), when enriched properly with relevant data, can and should be able to serve both the traditional users as well as the new emerging ones, and that’s one of the characteristics of our successful SQM solution.

Based on over 20 years of experience in the Telecommunications industry, TEOCO has positioned itself as a leader in the Telecommunications OSS & BSS marketplace. TEOCO provides Assurance and Analytics solutions to help CSPs manage their businesses efficiently and profitably.
TEOCO’s Customer Analytics solutions integrate big data from operational, network and business sources, incorporating granular profitability and behavioral data to power customer-engagement strategies. TEOCO’s SQM incorporates near real-time quality monitoring for a comprehensive perspective of the customer experience.
TEOCO’s portfolio also includes:
• Margin Assurance – Manage costs, revenues and profitability of every transaction.
• Service Assurance – Resolve faults, maximize performance & utilization, and improve user experience.
• Network Optimization – Optimize radio access networks to improve coverage, capacity, and quality of the network.

Teoco will be exhibiting at AfricaCom 2013. Come and meet them at stand F22 by registering for your free ticket to AfricaCom Here