All the best bits from a fantastic first day at AfricaCom 2013...

Record numbers gather in Cape Town for another jam-packed show...
Here are just a few of the highlights from the opening day of AfricaCom 2013... we look forward to seeing you again tomorrow!

1... Cost efficient networks
The keynote session highlighted the requirement for increased investment in the networks, to cope with the data explosion. The cost-efficient networks stream identified strategies for increasing the quality of the network to the highest standard without excessive spend.  Delegates in the stream focussed in how to reduce capex and opex in a data hungry environment.

2... Entrepreneurs Incubator Hub
“All entrepreneurs need support and we need to drive education as a basis for fostering entrepreneurs, this is as, if not more, important that financing for an entrepreneur.” This is the message offered by the incubator, investment and start-up experts who shared their insight at today’s Entrepreneurs’ Incubator Hub at AfricaCom.

3... Mobile Money
Mobile Money at AfricaCom got off to a surprising start focusing on what exactly mobile money is and should be, offering a tentative conclusion that “Mobile money is emotional – it should be quick and easy, turning each individual into an agent, into an ATM”. The debate also covered interoperability and customer service, as well as regulation and cross-border transactions.

4... Digital Music Africa
A highlight of the Digital Music stream was the opening panel featuring AfriCori, Spice Africa, Etisalat, X5 Music Group and Warner Music. Moderated by Editor in Chief of Rolling Stone magazine Miles Keylock, panellists debated the level of piracy in the industry, and the revenue split between the key parties in the ecosystem. Is there enough transparency? Is the value add from the labels clear? Do the labels take too big a share of the revenue? Over 120 attendees enjoyed the debate and networking at the first Digital Music Africa event.

5... AfricApps
The first day of this year's AfricApps has been focussed on the impact of mobile advertising and marketing, assessing how this is changing the consumer expe
rience. Central to this is the innovation of major brands with a key case study coming from Andre De Wet, General Manager of Price Check.

6... AfricaCast
The multiplatform focus day has brought fantastic insights into the VOD and OTT opportunities that are growing in the African sub-continent. Central to this has been the rise of two new OTT platforms in Sub-Saharan Africa Buni TV, and iROKOtv.  The two CEOs of these global innovators presented their findings at the show.
With Cloud taking centre stage in many AfricaCom meetings this year, the dedicated Cloud @ AfricaCom stream is bound to attract interest from Africa’s telcos looking to increase their revenues through Cloud services. With the top 5 African ‘Cloud telcos’ presenting their ‘how to’ strategies, this is the right place to get thorough insights on the African sky of Clouds!

A snippet of what everyone's been saying on twitter...

"Africa Com - information overload, loving every second of it!"-  @RM_Borol

"Loving the buzz and liaising with all the #tech gurus" -


"Great debate on the future of mobile banking at #AfricaCom"

"A great buzz down at the #AfricaCom event today" -

Whats coming up over the next 2 days...
Wednesday 13th November

AfricaCom Conference Sessions

  • 07:15 AfricaCom Registration opens
  • 08:00 AfricaCom Conference Begins – Day 2 Keynote session (Auditorium 2)
  • 11:45  Africa Cast (Strelitzia Restaurant)
  • 11:45  Cloud@AfricaCom (Room 1:4)
  • 12:00  AfricApps (Jasminium Restaurant)
  • 12:10 Mobile Money Africa (Room 1:6)
  • 12:10  LTE@Africa (Auditorium 2)
  • 12:30  Customer Experience Management (Roof Terrace)
  • 18:00 End of Conference sessions  
AfricaCom Exhibition 
  • 10:00 Exhibition opens
  • 11:00 MasterClass Theatre - VAS & Content-M-health/Education/Government session (Exhibition Hall)
  • 18:00 Exhibition Closing Time
  • AfricaCom Awards Show
  • 19:00 AfricaCom Awards drinks reception
  • 19:30 AfricaCom Awards Show begins
  • 22:30 PCCW Global AfricaCom Awards Free After party – FREE FOR ALL - (The Waterfront Lookout, Granger Bay)

For more information, check out the finalised programme here

Thursday 14th November

AfricaCom Conference Sessions

  • 07:30 AfricaCom Registration opens
  • 09:00 AfricaCom Conference Begins – Day 3 Keynote session (Auditorium 2)
  • 14:00  Regulatory Evolution (Roof Terrace)
  • 12:00  Infrastructure Sharing (Roof Terrace)
  • 12:00 Wireless Broadband (Room 1:6)
  • 12:15  Monetising Content & Data (Auditorium 2)
  • 12:00  Big Data (Room 1:4)
  • 12:00  AfricApps (Jasminium Restaurant)
  • 14:00  Regulatory Evolution (Roof Terrace)
  • 17:15 End of Conference sessions  

AfricaCom Exhibition 

  • 10:00 Exhibition opens
  • 11:00 MasterClass Theatre – LTE session (Exhibition Hall)
  • 17:00 Exhibition Closing Time

For more information, check out the finalised programme here