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MoMo @ AfricaCom 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012 networking from 5:00 PM We are excited to announce the final details of MoMo @ AfricaCom which will be the BIGGEST Mobile Monday event ever on African soil! Firstly and fore-mostly we can now announce our sponsors, our sponsors are MTN and Qualcomm! These are 2 of the biggest names in mobile and they will rock your world at the event, we can not reveal too much about what they will be doing at the event but let's just say its all about your "Digital Sixth Sense" and it is sure to inspire, educate and inform everyone from entrepreneurs to marketers, designers, CEO's, CMO's and everyone in between! We can also officially announce that we have a surprise mystery keynote guest who will be imparting their wisdom with all of you for a few minutes. This person has been an MD, CEO, founder, investor, Secret Seven fan ( :-) ) and much more and has had tons of life experience in his reasonably short life thus far. We can say no more at this stage but this person will blow your mind and inspire you! If you still have not registered for this event go here Mobile Monday "Bringing the mobile community together!" Time: 5.00 for 6pm start Date: 12th November 2012 Venue: Trinity Cape Town Tell a friend about this event, click here MoMo @ AfricaCom is the official prologue event to the MASSIVE AfricaCom conference happening from 13 to 15 November, this conference includes the co-located AfricApps conference we have partnered with AfricaCom to offer special VIP access to these events, please click here for more information. | ||